Week One's message from Pastor Joby was incredible, and the perfect way to kick off the series. Today we are continuing to share the series, It Doesn't Make Sense, with Week Two's message from Pastor Britt. Pastor Britt shares his journey towards mental and emotional health, through a powerfully honest testimony.
Like yesterday's post, I suggest that you begin with the bumper video and testimony from Tyler, a member of our COE22 family. Tyler's incredible testimony share the power that God has to chance how we think, feel and live. After watching Tyler's testimony, take time to watch Pastor Britt's message. Again I would encourage you to set aside time to watch Week Two's message. And I pray that again, you would be open to hearing Pastor Britt's message. In His Grace, - jay Watch this video firstWatch Pastor Britt's message SecondMiss one of videos?
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January 2025