Emotional and mental help has been an important topic for discussion these last couple of years. And over the years we have heard a number of sermons, seminars, and presentations about emotional and mental health and the importance of discussion and awareness. But with so many of these presentations we have found that most fall to one side of the conversation or the other. It's either all about the mental and emotional and finding the power from within to get healthy. On the other side the conversation it's Jesus, Jesus, Jesus; and having enough faith to overcome the struggles one might face. But an even, balanced presentation of faith and health is one that seems to be lacking. Until now.
This past Sunday, our church, The Church of Eleven22, wrapped up a three week series called, It Doesn't Make Sense. To say it was amazing wouldn't be saying enough. It was by far, one of the most balanced, Biblical presentations of Jesus, faith, and mental and emotional health. Never have I been so aware of the need for mental and emotional awareness and health. In my many years as a youth pastor, I have read dozens of articles and books, and participated in a number of seminars and conferences that all dealt with the need for the balance of Jesus and faith and appropriate counseling. This series summed up and shared that hope and healing comes through Jesus. Here's the thing, if you are struggling with mental and emotional health, or you think you're all good (though you're probably not), you need to hear these three sermons. So here's what I want to do. Over the next three days, I am going to post the bumper video and the message from the three weeks of the series. The bumper video is a testimony video that was played before the message. Each message is between 45 and 55 minutes. I want you to hear each one by itself. Here's what I suggest. Set aside some time where you can sit down and watch both videos, about an hour and 15 minutes. Start with the bumper, then the message. Then listen. I mean, really listen. Ask God to open your earholes and take in what is being said. Ask God to open your heart and your mind to receive what you hear. Then, come back on Wednesday and Thursday and watch parts 2 and 3. My prayer for you is this, that where ever you may find yourself, I pray that the Spirit of God would move through these messages and bring healing change to your life! Know that you are loved. The God that spoke the world into existence is holding you in His hand and He wants you know how much He loves you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. In His Grace, - jay watch this video firstwatch this video secondwatch weeks two & three
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January 2025