get to know amy |
wife | mother | disciple | mentor | blogger
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- Who would have thought life would be like this. 5 kids, 10 moves, 5 different churches, 6 school districts, and 10 different houses; life has truly been an adventure. Through it all Amy has been, and continues to be an amazing wife. Together, Jay and Amy have learned to trust God in every situation. This has led to a deep faith and a desire to share their journey with other couples. 27 years and counting. Mother. - Jay and Amy are the parents have 5 amazing kids. They have 4 boys and 1 girl. They may not be perfect, but neither is Jay or Amy. Yet together, by God’s grace, they are working hard to grow a godly family. As a mother, Amy believes that her role is to care for they kids to be there for them, as she goes about her day. That's why she has chosen to be a stay-at-home mom, focusing her energies on the actual 'life' in the Higham family! Discipler. - As a wife of a youth pastor, you learn to depend on God for all things. That dependence has led Amy into a passionate relationship with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amy lives out her faith, trusting that at the end of the day, she has honored God by being who he created her to be. Mentor. - Amy has a heart for women, particularly moms and mom's to be. As a young mom, Amy was introduce to the ministry of M.O.P.S. (Mothers of Preschooler). The ministry supported, encouraged, and resourced mother with young children. It was a huge blessing in those early years. So much so that Amy helped to start a M.O.P.S. group, directing, promoting, teaching, loving, mentoring, and caring for moms. Now with five kids, none of which are preschoolers anymore, Amy continues to mentor mothers (and women) in various stages of life. Young Life Capernaum Ohio Valley - Amy currently serves with Young Life, in West Virginia, as the Regional Capernaum Coordinator. Young Life Capernaum ministers to students and young adults with special needs. Blogger. - While new to the blog-0'sphere, Amy is partnering with Jay to help develop and grow this new ministry to families. Amy has written a number of articles here on the site, while contributing to the ongoing vision and direction of the Life in the Higham House blog and vlog. |