It's crazy to think that we are here at the end of 2023. It's was a year that started out with a little excitement and a little trepidation. We were about to begin a new chapter. 2022 was a year of trials with wins and losses. And in the midst of it all, a sense that God was at work.
2022 ended with a life changing decision. After 25 years of full-time youth ministry, Jay stepped down from his role as a family ministry director. We were sensing that God was beginning to lead us in a new direction. What that direction was, we didn't fully know, but we had a lot to sort out and we needed time to do so. 2023 launched us into a year of seeking God for guidance and wisdom. We also prayed for His provision, to which He blessed us with freelance and remote work. He also began showing us a possible ministry opportunity. A Look Back at 2023
2023 also brought tremendous time of family togetherness and ministry growth. Being able to work remotely offered a new flexibility that allowed us to take advantage of our time and spend it with the kids. There were plenty of day trips and weekend get-aways; kayaking, fishing, and exploring the community around us.
We had to to care for our chickens and duck, work in the garden, and tackle a few projects around the house and property. We incubated and hatched 13 duck eggs, enjoyed homegrown veggies and herbs, processed our first 2 meat birds, and gathered lots and lot of fresh eggs. We made and froze our own tomato sauce, learned how to make a few new dishes and watched as our first pumpkins came into color. Spring led to summer, and summer led to fall as we welcomed a new furry friend into the family. The boys took Jay fly fishing for the first time and we attended a Nascar-like race. We spent a week at one of our favorite places, Pine Springs Camp, serving as volunteer directors while Breya enjoyed a week of camp.
We also spent a lot of time working with our Capernaum students. This past year, Amy has poured her heart into the ministry, and we have watched God grow the program with new friends/students, new activities, new leaders and buddies, and new supporters. As we wrapped up the 2023 year, we celebrated with almost 80 guests (friends/students, leaders, buddies, and families) at our annual Family Christmas party in December.
As for the Higham family, in January, we welcomed a new grand-daughter, Worthy Jae. Parents, Nate and Amaris, continue to make a life for themselves as they raise Ace and Worthy, care for the home, and rescue the community from the wildlife that invade the businesses and homes around them.
Logan is doing well in Florida, working as a banker and developing some original fly's, while producing fly's for a local fly shop. We got to see him a handful of times this past year, making a certain mom's heart very happy. We're looking forward to visiting with him later in the year! Aiden is working construction in both WV and Florida, and mastering photography in his free time. And when he's not doing either of those activities, he's spending time with Asher or his friends fishing, snowboarding, hanging out, playing video games, and loving on Rex (his new puppy).
Asher is a senior! He's killing it at school maintaining a place among the top of his class, while also working as a shift leader at our local Chick-fil-A. He is a great leader among his peers and his work-mates. He plays lacrosse, serves as a student leader with his youth group and as a buddy with Capernaum, and loves to be in a stream or creek catching native Brook Trout.
Breya started her freshman year and is doing great academically. She rocked her freshman volleyball season learn how to dominate the net. There's nothing better than getting a solid block over the net. Breya also serves as a buddy with Capernaum, babysits, and held her first summer job at our local park. Looking Ahead to 2024
2023 was a great year. But as we look ahead towards 2024, we are excited for what God is doing. We are planning for more ministry and growth with Capernaum, more partnerships with area student ministries, and new adventures for us as a family. There are a number of projects on the drawing board that we look forward to sharing with you in the months to come.
We're reminded of Jeremiah 29. We shared some thoughts on these verse in two blog posts towards the end of last year (Happy Thanksgiving & A Heart For Your Community).
Jeremiah 29: 11-13 reads, " For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. 13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:11-13 ESV) If 2023 was a year of seeking God, asking for wisdom and guidance, waiting on His 'what's next' for us, then 2024 is going to be a year for hopes and plans. God has been so good. So faithful. So dependable. And the dreams and hopes and plans that he has put on our hearts, well, we can't wait to see the fruits of them.
Our prayer for you this year, no matter where you are in life, is that you would seek God with all your heart. Know that the plans that you has for you are His plans for you. They might not be the plans that you would choose for yourself, but they are His plans for your good.
Welcome to 2024! Let's see what the year holds together. - jay & amy
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Welcome to the Life in the Higham House , we are glad you are visiting. As a family of 7, we have had our fair share of adventures. We share our stories with the hope of passing along what we have learned, what we love, and what God is doing in our lives to encourage you and your family. But we love to hear from our readers, so please share your thought in the comment section of each post.
January 2025