Last week we posted a blog called, The Couple That Prays Together... While out for dinner, we noticed a sweet older couple come into the restaurant. As their food arrived, the husband bowed his head and led his wife in prayer. It was a moving moment.
As we were preparing for that post, we asked the question, "What does it look like to be a couple that prays together?" For years, we have tried to make prayer an integral part of our marriage. We have had seasons where we've been faithful in prayer, and seasons where we weren't. But we have always bathed milestone moments and significant events in prayer.
So what does it look like to cultivate the habit of prayer? More specifically, what can couples do to nurture their relationship to be one of prayer. As we thought about it, we wanted to come up a few simple ideas that we, and other couples, might but into practice. Here's what we came up with.
Start small. To make the commitment to pray together is huge, but start small. It takes time to establish a good habit, learning to pray together is no different. Start committing to praying together for a week. Then a month. Then onto the year and and beyond. You want a healthy, ongoing habit of praying together for the rest of your marriage. Make the commitment to pray together.
Pray Individually
Praying together is the goal, but committing to pray together cannot eclipse the importance of praying individually. Each of you must also commit to developing a personal prayer life. This is more than a blessing over your food, or the prayers we pray at church. These are the prayers you pray for each other, your kids, friends, and for the larger community. For YOU! These are the prayers between you and God; to praise, worship, offer thanks, and make your supplications. You need this time to connect with God. Not only is this a great time to connect with God, but it is a great time to be in prayer for your spouse! And that leads us to our next thought.
Pray for each other
How often do you pray for your spouse? I would hope you do on a regular, or daily basis. But let me encourage you to make this more than a quick sentence prayer of, "Dear God, please be with my ________." or, "Dear God, please change this or that about them." No, praying for your spouse means you are taking time to pray for them; specifically, intimately, and for their betterment, which means you are praying that God ultimately changes you. We learned this lesson as we read through Stormie Omartian's books, The Power of a Praying Husband and The Power of a Praying Wife. (Which we highly recommend!) This leads us to our next thought!
Pray for specific items
Stop praying generalized prayers! Pray specifically! Take the time each week to sit down and ask your spouse how you can be praying for them, what you together can pray about, and how you can pray for others. Be specific. No unspokens. Get down to the details. Be open and honest. Let each other really take time to share how they can be interceded for. Keep these lists in your Bible or prayer journal, or wherever you practice your habit of prayer.
pray with us
We want to invite you to pray with us. As we step into the month of May, we want to invite you to join us in 31 Days of Prayer! Now, this is not a, 'we're physically getting together to pray.' No, this is an invitation to simply commit yourself to a month of prayer. Starting today, Monday, May 1st, 2023, make the commit to Pray Together as a Couple, to Pray Individually, to Pray for Each Other, to Pray Specifically, and to Pray for Your Kids!
Leave a comment if you choose to commit to the month of prayer. We will check in throughout the month to see how you're doing, and share how we see God moving in our marriage and family! Of course we would love to hear from you throughout the month, so feel free to leave comments on our Facebook! - jay & amy
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Welcome to the Life in the Higham House , we are glad you are visiting. As a family of 7, we have had our fair share of adventures. We share our stories with the hope of passing along what we have learned, what we love, and what God is doing in our lives to encourage you and your family. But we love to hear from our readers, so please share your thought in the comment section of each post.
January 2025