Even in a good marriage there are up's and downs. You have good days and bad days. You experience tremendous joys and agonizing hurts. There are wins and those wins are awesome. Then there are the losses, and those loses can be devastating. Throw in financial struggles, issues with children, jobs and careers, temptations and failures, and you can see why some marriages come to an end.
We have had a good marriage. The blessings are countless. The troubles, few and far between. We have had Godly men and woman, husbands and wives, who have mentored and cared for us. We have had pastors and their wives befriend and speak into our lives, our marriage and our family. We have been married for 27 years, and in full-time ministry for 25 of those years. And, we have continued to see God hand of grace and blessing throughout our marriage. That's not to say that we haven't experienced our lows. We have experienced financial struggles. We have relocated a number of times, asking our kids to say goodbye to friends, begin new schools, and start all over again. In 2013 we learned we were pregnant with number 6. We were thrilled, surprised, but thrilled. Then we lost number 6. We were heartbroken. But then there was number 7. Then we lost number 7. Then number 8, 9 and 10. We lost each one, with number 10 being a still born delivery at 18 weeks. That's 5 miscarriages in 4 years. Through it all, we've learned just how important it is to pray for and with each other. The Power of a Praying...
Early in our marriage, we were introduced to the books, The Power of a Praying Wife and The Power fo a Praying Husband, by Stormie Omartian. These two books became instant tools as we learned the importance of praying for each other. I (Jay) still pull out The Power of a Praying Husband, every couple of months or so, just to be reminded and refocused to be in prayer for Amy. We recommend these books to couples that we do pre-marital counseling with, suggest them to friends and couples, and consider them to be a truly amazing way to begin the practice of praying for your spouse!
Prayer is a significant part of our marriage;
Welcome to the Life in the Higham House , we are glad you are visiting. As a family of 7, we have had our fair share of adventures. We share our stories with the hope of passing along what we have learned, what we love, and what God is doing in our lives to encourage you and your family. But we love to hear from our readers, so please share your thought in the comment section of each post.
January 2025