let's get our hands dirty
We're learning how to grow our own food. From planting our vegetable garden to raising our backyard animals,
we enjoy the benefits of things that are homegrown! Follow along as we continue to learn how to grow our own food.
we enjoy the benefits of things that are homegrown! Follow along as we continue to learn how to grow our own food.
Just Ducky FarmWe're backyard farming on our half acre property we call, Just Ducky Farm! And, we're sharing everything as we go! Check out our Just Ducky Farm vlog episodes from our Life in the Higham House channel! Click on the link below to watch more episodes!
Meet OUR FEATHERED FRIENDSWe've been learning how to raise chickens and ducks for over 6 years. We've had our ups and downs. We've had some successes and some failures. We've made some mistakes and we've gotten some things right. We're learning as we go, and having fun too. Come along and learn with us.
Explore our GardenThere's nothing like enjoying the fruit of your labors. We have been growing vegetables in our backyards for years. Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers; simple, easy to grow vegetables to enjoy. Over the years we have expanded the garden to include more and more vegetables that we can can, freeze, dry, and use throughout the year. Come and see what we're growing this year.