It doesn't make senseMental and Emotional Health is an important topic. Recently, our church, The Church of Eleven22, shared a three week series called, It Doesn't Make Sense. It is one of the best presentations of Jesus, Faith, and Mental and Emotional Health we've heard. It's so good, we are sharing all three messages on the blog. We want to encourage you to listen to each week of the series.
THE CHURCH OF ELEVEN22This year we made the commitment to call The Church of Eleven22 (COE22), our home church. Based out of Jacksonville, Florida, COE22, has made a huge impact. COE22 is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.
We love the ministry, teaching, worship, and vision of The Church of Eleven22. And, we are excited to introduce you to COE22. If you would like to learn more about The Church of Eleven22, visit |